Saturday, June 7, 2008

Convention, The WrathofCon, May 2008

The WrathofCon, held in Panama City, FL. was my first convention behind the scenes. As a Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention, the usual suspects were there; dealers of wild memorabilia, gamers, indie films, Q&A panels of the various stars, which was a great set of notables . This was their first year and so the convention was on the small side, but they had done a great job of securing good stars, vendors, and a variety of interesting pitches of new uses of the Internet.

The tables of publishers and authors numbered only four, but sales were brisk, especially for my publisher Aisling Press. Not having my book published yet gave me the freedom to wander more than the other authors who needed to stay with their titles, pitch them, and sign books. For me, it became a great networking opportunity.

The highlight of the convention were my conversations and picture opportunity with Gigi Edgley, Chiana from Farscape, which is possibly my all time favorite sci-fi series.


The convention I'm looking forward to is DragonCon in Atlanta over labor day weekend. Last years attendance was 100,000. Due to the economy, we don't expect it to be quite as big, but even half of that is a huge audience. This will be the first convention where I'll have my book in hand and ready to strut my stuff.

I hope to see you there.

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